
What Hurts The Most

I know it’s weird to be in love with a bar, but I miss Ozzie’s. If I could go back in time I would ask it to marry me. Maybe we should’ve had kids to save the relationship. I hear that works pretty well. They say if you love something, set it free. If it […]

Redneck Yacht Club

Mr. O rides a surfboard behind a boat on El Dorado lake outside of Wichita, KS. There were no ropes – just the wake. And a song I’ve never heard before. FYI – This video is NSFW because Mr. O likes to cuss. Bermudas, flip-flops and a tank top tan Popped his first top at […]

Rock And Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution

Tomapalooza 2010 was memorable. Except for the fact I don’t remember much. I know there’s another keg left, though. And I can’t wait to see what’s inside. I want to thank Tom for hosting his own birthday party. That was extremely generous. But I’ll tell you this – I’ve never seen fear in someone’s face […]

Crazy On You

I’m too worn out to recap the weekend. So this is a good time to release a video of our trip to California. This was our third and final winery of the day in Napa Valley. Sierra challenged her boyfriend Kevin to a race. Kevin said he would marry her if she beat him. I’ve […]


Pull up your f’n pants! This douche bag nearly ruined my weekend. Not only was I forced to look at his underwear on Sunday afternoon – he also bent over twice to expose his hairy ass crack. WTF is wrong with these people that refuse to pull their pants up? I mean, am I just […]

Round Here

The weather forecast for Saturday and Sunday – 90 degrees and sunny. I’ll tell you something, though – I could use a rainy weekend – because I am way behind on my spring cleaning. Times are tough this summer, too. I had to decide between running the air-conditioner or the ice maker. The ice maker […]

Darlington County

Shouldn’t the arrows be pointing down? Here’s an email I received today… What’s up? You haven’t posted since June 22. Twitter doesn’t count, there are some of us out there that aren’t 13 year old girls. I thought texting was gay until Twitter came along, holy crap what a waste of time, and I don’t […]