
You Never Even Called Me By My Name

I don’t know what it is about Thursday nights that makes me drink myself into oblivion, but the streak continued last night.  I went to the David Allan Coe concert with Tom d G, Crowe Dog, and Mike.  If you’ve never heard of David Allan Coe, he’s a redneck who plays a Confederate Flag guitar.  […]

Office Space

It was difficult getting through work yesterday. The five-year anniversary of 9/11 was part of the reason.  The fact I drank for 12 hours the previous day was also a factor. I recorded the replay of the 9/11 Today Show on MSNBC yesterday and watched it more than the double-header of Monday Night Football.  Strange but true.  […]

In-N-Out of Paris

Dear Paris,  I am sorry I rushed to judgment before I knew the facts.  I believe you only had one margarita at the charity event.  I dig the fact you were driving just because you wanted an In-N-Out burger.  You are A-Okay with me, and I loved your home movie.  You are obviously a very talented girl.  […]

Reefer Madness

I took the day off to join a women’s rights rally. Tom d G, Crowe Dog, Stocky Sean, Dan, and other fellow degenerates, spent last weekend partying in the desert.  Tom said that being in Las Vegas with the Crowe Dog was like watching a 3-year old chasing a balloon next to a cliff.  You just hope to […]

Summer Solstice

June 21st…one of my favorite days of the year.  Others include Super Bowl Sunday, Derby Day, springing forward, and the day the SI Swimsuit edition gets delivered.  I read an article today that talks about blacks fading in baseball.  Can you imagine the backlash if someone wrote an article on whites not being a bigger […]

Just For Men

After years of watching my friend Matt turn prematurely grey, I finally decided to buy some hair color.  I have to apply it by tomorrow night because the instructions state that you cannot go swimming for 48 hours.  That would ruin my weekend. Speaking of Matt, I “volunteered” to watch his family dog later this […]

17 Beers a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away

As if I didn’t have enough to worry about…  *  How are we going to kill the new Al Qaeda dip sh-t? *  How will a new Mexican immigration law affect the price of weed? *  How will I ever bang Jessica Alba? *  How can I explain this post to my Mom if she […]