
The Roof Is On Fire

The pictures from the West Coast SOB trip have been uploaded to the Photos page. Thanks to Abby for getting those to me. Note – you cannot currently make comments on the pictures. I had previously turned this feature on, but was bombarded with spam. I know what you’re thinking – just activate the Captcha […]

Keg In The Closet

Once it hits your lips, it’s so good! I don’t even know where to begin to describe the Kickin @ King’s weekend. I could start with the cute blonde I now have a crush on…or the nice girl I kept calling a hooker…or the hooker I kept calling a nice girl. This is hard. That’s […]

Mama Said Knock You Out

The SOB heads to California tomorrow morning. You can follow the immaturity on Facebook and Twitter. King sent the following itinerary: Thursday – picking up the lou crew at the airport 1pm. – take you all back to my crib relax prepare for the evening festivities – I will go back down to the airport […]

Evil Ways

I made perhaps one of the lamest Tweets of all-time today. “Shopping for flip flops make me happy.” Now this would be perfectly acceptable if I routinely posted comments about my fondness for Fridays and sunshine. But since I routinely make fun of those posts, my Tweet was just plain embarrassing. Not to mention a […]

Time Of The Season

Seriously I think I was recently the butt of a joke on Twitter. Here’s what I wrote: I’m watching Family Guy instead of the Democratic National Convention; I mean the Oscars. The next day I read this: For the love of all that is holy, people. If you ever have the urge to use a […]

No Sleep Till Brooklyn

The SOB posts have been few and far between lately. I mean, if I tweet a few times a day, I’ve pretty much said all I have to say. But there are still a lot of episodes that can’t be recapped in 140 characters. Take last Friday for example. Gina Party stayed at my place […]

Watermelon Crawl

During an appearance on the Chris Matthews show this week, former CBS Anchorman Dan Rather said of President Obama: “Listen he just hasn’t been, look at the health care bill. It was his number one priority. It took him forever to get it through and he had to compromise it to death.” And a version […]