
Kosher Ham

Terrible Marketing

Let me recap a shitty day.

– Cell phone went dead because I brought the wrong cord

– Started to leave work at 6:00, and found out I was scheduled to stay until 7:30.

– 7:35: Discovered car battery was dead

– 7:36: Discovered cable to open hood was broken

– 7:37: Realized I was fucked – and cold

– 7:38: Walked back into office

I asked the security guard if he had any jumper cables. He said, “No” like I had just asked to borrow a hundred dollars.


At this point I didn’t know what I was going to do. I had no cell phone, which meant I had no phone numbers.

But then something happened that restored my faith in humanity.

“You need a jump start?” the guy asked as I walked down the hallway.

“Yeah, but I can’t get the hood open,” I replied.

“Let me grab my coat, and I’ll see what I can do.”

Fifteen minutes later, I was driving home with the heater cranked.

I thought about making a beer stop, but didn’t want to risk the car not starting. That turned out to be a good move, because it sure as shit didn’t start back up when I got home.

Now I can add buying a new battery to my to-do list this weekend. Oh, and my cell phone isn’t turning on after charging for over an hour. So I’ll probably spend a few hours at the Sprint store.

That’s okay. I really didn’t have any other plans this weekend – except moving.

There is no other place I want to be.